Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Getting Lost in Kamaishi

While traveling by bus for the first time in Kamaishi, I ended up accidentally getting on the bus. I was the only one left on the bus when I realized my mistake and told the drive my intended destination. The bus drive called his company and waited with me for fifteenth minutes until someone else from his company could come to help me. While we were waiting on the side of the road, a local elderly gentleman came up to us with two cold cans of coffee and gave them to us. Then, soon after, a car arrived. The bus drive told me that a member of his company was going to drive me all the way to my destination which was a good twenty-five to thirty minutes away. When we arrived, he refused to let me pay him for his time or gasoline. I had never experienced such hospitality before in Japan. The kindness that the people have showed me here has made me feel welcomed and accepted despite being a foreigner. Although you may not have the same experience as me when visiting Japan, I can assure you that there are some wonderful local people here in Kamaishi who will be sure to make you feel welcomed!
A Evening View of Kamaishi Station's Bus Stop

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